Sunday, January 13, 2013


As I was reading CREATE YOUR WRITER PLATFORM, by Chuck Sambuchino, I was
constantly finding myself pausing in mid-sentence to go update my social media in attempts to expand my platform. Even if it was to just tweak my website ever so slightly or send out a retweet on Twitter, I had to do it right then. Reading this book made me feel like I HAD to make myself look more presentable in the professional world ASAP.

After about the twentieth time of doing this action is when I finally realized what was happening. "Was this Chuck Sambuchino’s secret plan all along? To get me sucked into the digital world instead of concentrating on my writing? I mean, he is the author of HOW TO SURVIVE A GARDEN GNOME ATTACK after all. He would be capable of accomplishing a mastermind scheme of this magnitude.”

In all seriousness, Sambuchino is an expert on teaching people how to build an audience and helping new writers break out into the publishing world. In this book, he breaks down step by step on what a platform is and why it is very important for a writer to have one in this day and age. Similar to his other published works; he is dedicated to giving more than just his opinion to ensure the best success possible for his readers. Included in the book are many points of views from professionals in the publishing industry and case studies of several individuals that had success with their writer platform.

Before reading this, I must admit that I had considered myself a guru when it came to social media, mainly from growing up in the digital age. However, after reading CREATE YOUR WRITER PLATFORM, I discovered that I was dead wrong. Even with everything I knew there was still so much that I didn't know! As a bonus, another thing I loved about this book is that even though the title says “WRITER PLATFORM,” the advice Sambuchino gives can be used in other industries on how to present yourself in a professional manner.

If you're a writer struggling to get your name out there, I highly recommend this book. 


  1. Hi Rebekah,

    Thanks for the review! It's helped me decide to buy the book!

    1. I'm so glad you found my review useful. Enjoy the book!
