Thursday, October 4, 2012

2013 Guide to Literary Agents

I have bought several of Chuck Sambuchino’s books in the past. Once again, I am left finding him
immensely helpful and very inspiring. In the 2013 GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS, Sambuchino, has beautifully constructed and organized an anthology of resources that would be valuable to all writers. If you are non-fiction, fiction, published or a non-published writer, I guarantee that this book will have something for you.

Let’s face it. Finishing your work is only half the battle. Reading this guide will put you ahead of the game and give you the tools you will need to be successful. Not only does this guide give a list of credible agents, it also breaks it down, step by step, on how to obtain one. It explains what an agent does, crafting a query, to writing a book proposal and much more. It is a great stepping stone on where to go once you have finished your manuscript.

What I particularly love about the 2013 GUIDE TO LITERARY AGENTS is that it gives you the “Do’s and Don’ts” of what a bad query/book proposal is, compared to what a great query/book proposal should look like. Instead of just telling you how to do it, it actually shows you. Sambuchino has collected a number of articles written by people who are the best in the business. Therefore, you are getting more than one person’s opinion. That in itself is a gold mine.

In addition, it has an entire section that lists upcoming conferences. If you are a travel junkie like me, it is a wonderful place to start planning your next vacation. 

Check out Chuck Sambuchino's Amazon page to purchase a copy.